Succulents, The Perfect Decoration Piece for House, Apartments, Office, Bedroom, etc.

I've been wanting to decorate my bedroom with some nature and what better then succulents? -They wont die on you. :3 I bought these succulents and the two vases at my local swap-meet. I was glad I found a pair and perfect vase. All I had to do was put rocks at the bottom of the vase filling it 1/4 of the vase, almost half of the base, then put some cactie soil, but not filling all the vase. Lastly put the plant and fill it up with more cactie soil if needed.
p.s. Succulents have to get at least six hours of sunlight and you only have to water them once a week or when you see the soil is dry.

♥- Evelyn 


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